Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I would like to pray for...

  • Relationship: Not only between work camp members but also with God.
  • Laughter: It's important to me that everone on this trip can laugh and have fun together no matter what may occur.
  • Safety: Work all week leaves room for someone to get hurt; I pray that that will not happen.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kevin C would like prayer for...

  • Growth. I want to learn and grow in every way possible on this trip. It will be more than just a trip for me.
  • Fellowship. Spending a week with a group of people will lead to many opportunities to get to know each other a little better. I hope that this trip brings growth to the group as a whole.
  • Deeper Understanding. I want to see everyone think and grow spiritually through the situations and circumstances that surface as the week goes by. I hope that there will be a deeper and stronger understanding of Jesus and His nature when the week is finished.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Kim would like prayer for...

  • the Holy Spirit to begin to prepare our hearts for the work we all we will be doing , and for the people we will be meeting and serving and interacting with during our week in West Virginia.

  • a spirit of peace and not anxiousness as we (Kim and Rob) finish up our school year; prepare our house to be left for contractors to come in as soon as we leave; prepare for and attend the many meetings and events we have in the next few weeks; and grace as we attend to each other and our childrens needs during this time.

Rob would like prayer for...

  • Safety. In all of the traveling and working there will be plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong and people to get hurt. I want to have a safe trip
  • Unity. I want to see our BRC team grow deeper in our connections to each other.
  • Growth. I hope that this experience with help me to grow closer to Jesus. I want to see the same thing happen in the lives of our other team members.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Blog Qustion

I want to be part of this workcamp trip because I can make a difference in this world. And it's even better when many people are willing to help. Also because I feel guilty for all the good things God has given me, when other people have barely enough to eat. Or a house that needs to be fixed.

Go Again!

This will be my fourth workcamp trip with youth from BRC. The first experience was back in 2001. A group of 18 youth and adults went to West Virginia. That was such a powerful experience. I felt like God's presence was palpable -- hanging in the air everywhere I went. Our work made a real difference in the lives of many of the people we served that week. And during the week, I was witness to kids' lives changing right in front of my eyes. My relationship with many of the kids was deepened to a whole new level. It all changed my life too. Since that time, I have been excited about these trips and eager to go again. We have taken kids on two other trips, in 2003 and 2005. Both of these experiences were quite different, but equally as powerful. I'm still eager to go again. I can not wait to see what God will be doing during the week.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

New Adventures

I want to be a part of this workcamp to get a new perspective on life in general. To experience a different way of life and to share our blessings with someone less fortunate. I am hoping to make a difference in someone else's life by improving their living situation. Mostly, I am excited about sharing this experience with Kevin and Casey and hopefully this will open their eyes to something much bigger than anything they can imagine.

Friday, May 4, 2007


I want to be part of this workcamp trip because I want to challenge myself. Of course I am excited to help other people through Jesus, but I'm glad to be challenged in a way I'm not normally challenged. I'm glad I'm going to work with and meet new people, and I hope to learn and grow from this experience in many ways.

Blog Question

I want to be part of this workcamp trip because it will give me a change to help those in need, proclaiming Jesus's name through my actions. I also hope to establish relationships with people that will last for much longer than the trip. Can't wait...